CEU | Nature in the Workplace

By IIDA MidAmerica (other events)

Tuesday, December 19 2023 12:00 PM 1:00 PM CDT

Join us December 19th at CFS Group for our last CEU opportunity of 2023: Nature in the Workplace

Biophilic design is loosely defined as the science proving how humans are healthier, more productive, more creative and learn faster when in the presence of nature (plants, water, sunlight, fresh air, natural patterns and natural materials). This can apply to products, buildings, campuses and cities.

Rigorous research on the subject is growing and the financial benefit employers or educational institutions experience when their employees or students regularly spend time in biophilic spaces can be economically quantified. For instance, there is hard data to support that productivity increases alone could save $4,000 per employee per year at a company with a biophilic office environment. Beyond great potential economic savings, biophilic spaces create many side benefits, typically including reduced utility costs and increased employee health and satisfaction.

This presentation will familiarize attendees with the topic and science behind it (and provide the sources of data to prove claims), as well as provide them the knowledge to analyze the economic potential of their own workplaces or learning environments. IDCEC Approved.

Presenter/Host: Colin Quackenbush with Magnuson Group and CFS Group